
Monday, May 1, 2017

ロボット, フルーツ収穫 Robot, fruit harvest

ロボット, フルーツ収穫
Robot, fruit harvest
Raboter, Früchteernte
Robot, récolte des fruits

Fragile commodities like apples, berries, table grapes and lettuce harvest is still done by hand:

FFRobotics is developing a machine that has three-fingered grips to grab fruit and twist or clip it from a branch. Their robotic fresh fruit harvester enables growers to significantly reduce costs by complementing or replacing human workers.

Fresh fruits:

+ Citrus
+ Apples
+ Pears
+ Peaches
+ Cherries,

The FFRobotic fresh fruit picker can precisely and gently pick 10 times more usable fruit compared with a laborer.

The company FFRobotics was founded 2014 is based in Qadima Zoran, Israel.


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Thursday, April 27, 2017

スイスの中心,オブヴァルデン Obwalden centre of Switzerland

Obwalden centre of Switzerland
Obwalden Zentrum der Schweiz
Obwalden centre de la Suisse

The central location in the Swiss Alps meant that Obwalden could establish itself as a significant tourist location in the 19th century. Many facilities built for tourism now benefit the local industry and the population. Two of the mountains, namely Pilatus and Titlis, are the main attractions. Winter sports, in particular skiing and snowboarding, attract many tourist. The main resorts are Engelberg, Melchsee-Frutt, Lungern-Schönbüel, Mörlialp and Langis. During the summer, hiking and mountaineering are the main attractions. 


Have a nice weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

大気からのCO2 CO2 out of ambient air

CO2 out of ambient air
CO2 aus der Umgebungsluft
CO2 de l'air ambient

What is the best way to get rid of greenhouse gases?

The Swiss company Climeworks, provider of solutions for efficiently capturing CO2 out of ambient air, has developed an ecologically and economically attractive method to extract CO2. The goal is to deliver CO2 to produce synthetic liquid fuels (synfuels) from renewable energy sources and water.


+ Fuels
+ Food & Beverage
+ Fertilization in Greenhouses

The company Climeworks, a spin-off of the ETH Zurich, was founded end of 2009 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.

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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

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Monday, April 24, 2017

スロバキアからの飛行車 Flying car from Slovakia

Flying car from Slovakia
Fliegendes Auto aus aus der Slowakei
Voiture volante de Slovaquie

AeroMobil unveils its $1.2 Million flying car to be produced in series:

AeroMobil is an advanced engineering company that is commercializing a sophisticated flying car, combining a luxury sports car and a light aircraft in a single vehicle. The aims of the company are to make personal transportation vastly more efficient and environmentally friendly by allowing significantly faster door-to-door travel for medium distance trips and in areas with limited or missing road infrastructure.

Extraordinary, efficient, exciting…

+ Full transformation into flight mode in less than 3 minutes.
+ Automotive Range -700km (estimated using NEDC cycle)
+ Aerospace Max Cruise Range ~750 km @ 75 % (1 200 m, ISA)
+ Fuel Capacity 90 ltr (95 RON Gasoline)
+ Direct Drive variable pitch propeller (speed 2 400 rpm)
+ Automotive – Top speed 160 kph
+ Aerospace – Vs / Vc / VD – 112 / 259 / 360 km/h
+ MTOW Take Off Distance ground roll / 50 ft – 397 / 595 m
+ Max Take Off Weight – 960 kg (useable load 240 kg)
+ Shipping will begin in 2020

You will need a pilot's license to fly this thing. Either a Sport Pilot license at a minimum, or a Private Pilot License as Aeromobil recommends.

The company Aeromobil is based in Bratislava, Slovakia.

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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bisses, 灌漑運河 Bisses, irrigation canals

Bisses, 灌漑運河
Bisses, irrigation canals
Suonen, Bewässerungskanäle
Bisses, canaux d'irrigation

Discover wonderful walks on gentle slopes surrounded by most idyllic landscapes:

Bisses, originally built to humbly irrigate meadows and pastures at altitude so that livestock would have adequate fodder, many of these spectacular structures span extraordinary sheer walls. Most have disappeared, victims of modernization and economic progress. At the beginning of this century, there were still 200 bisses between the top of the Conches valley and the shores of Lac Leman. This translates into some 1800 km of canals, built, all too often, at enormous risk to those involved and always entirely by hand.


Wish you an excellent weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

引っ越しクリーニングサービス, プラットフォーム Moving and cleaning services, plattform

引っ越しクリーニングサービス, プラットフォーム
Moving and cleaning services, plattform
Umzugs- und Reinigungsdienste, Plattform
Services de déménagement et de nettoyage, Plattform

MOVU offers you a unique package for a stress-free move:

Movu is a platform for moving and cleaning services. Based on a questionary and an inventory list, customers are getting 5 offers from their local companies. The whole process is supported by their personal assistant, the "Move Captain".

Have everything under control:

+ Submit a request
+ Get 5 quotes to your email
+ Choose a company and book
+ Enjoy your move
+ Tips and checklist
+ High quality moving boxes

The startup company MOVU AG was founded May 2014 and is based in Zurich Switzerland.

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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

フリートオートメーションプラットフォーム Fleet automation platform

Fleet automation platform
Plate-forme d'automatisation de la flotte

Human driven vehicles and autonomous vehicles will coexist:

BestMile is a Swiss company with offices in Lausanne (Switzerland), London (UK) and San Francisco (USA), developing distributed and highly scalable cloud technology leveraging the full potential of autonomous vehicles to tackle global mobility challenges. BestMile provides the first fleet automation platform allowing for the intelligent operation and optimization of autonomous vehicle fleets, regardless of their brand or type and managing both fixed-route and on-demand service types.

Turnkey solution or customized packages:

+ enables autonomous vehicles to work together as a fleet
+ deploy, operate and scale autonomous mobility services
+ planning, real-time automated dispatching intelligent routing

+ electrical energy management
+ fixed routes with fixed schedules
+ on-demand door-to-door services or combinations
+ flexible and modular platform allows integration with existing infrastructure
+ web and mobile applications or interface an existing platform
+ mixed fleets composed of autonomous vehicles of different types and brands
+ hybrid fleets comprised of both autonomous vehicles and human-driven vehicles
+ ensure seamless transition towards autonomous mobility

Since its creation in 2014, BestMile built a proven track record as the leading company for fleet automation in the autonomous mobility industry. BestMile was the first company to offer on-demand autonomous mobility services and is now enabling the first instance in which electric autonomous shuttles are circulating through a city center on both pedestrian areas and open roads, and servicing the public daily.


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