ロボット, フルーツ収穫
Robot, fruit harvest
Raboter, Früchteernte
Robot, récolte des fruits
Robot, fruit harvest
Raboter, Früchteernte
Robot, récolte des fruits
Fragile commodities like apples, berries, table grapes and lettuce harvest is still done by hand:
FFRobotics is developing a machine that has three-fingered grips to grab fruit and twist or clip it from a branch. Their robotic fresh fruit harvester enables growers to significantly reduce costs by complementing or replacing human workers.
Fresh fruits:
+ Citrus
+ Apples
+ Pears
+ Peaches
+ Cherries,
+ Apples
+ Pears
+ Peaches
+ Cherries,
The FFRobotic fresh fruit picker can precisely and gently pick 10 times more usable fruit compared with a laborer.
The company FFRobotics was founded 2014 is based in Qadima Zoran, Israel.
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