
Monday, September 4, 2017

バナジウム電池 Vanadium battery

Vanadium battery
Batterie au vanadium
Vanadium Batterie

A revolutionary battery by Belenos:

The watchmaker Swatch Group has signed an agreement with the Chinese Geely Group for use of its innovative new battery. Beside cars, these efficient batteries can also be used in drones, e-bikes or e-scooters.

+ vanadium battery achieves a 30% greater range
+ less expensive than lithium
+ the battery can be charged much more quickly
+ vanadium is available in large quantities
+ can be recycled without difficulty

The battery developed in Switzerland is already protected by 20 patents.


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Friday, September 1, 2017

エンジョイチョコレート Enjoy Chocolates

Enjoy Chocolates
Geniesse Schokolade
Profitez du chocolat

You create your own:

Enjoy the world of Chocolat Frey with all your senses. You will be taken on an interactive and poetic journey around the chocolate. In the visitor center, the world of cocoa bean and chocolate comes to life.


Wish you an excellent weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Monday, August 28, 2017

血液サンプリング Blood sampling

Blood sampling
Échantillonnage de sang

Democratizing blood sampling:

DBS System is providing advanced technology to collect and prepare blood samples in a less invasive, easier, cheaper, safer manner with precision and industry standard processes.

The patent pending microfluidic technology is capable of plasma/serum extraction and volume control in a standardized and reliable format, dramatically increasing the potential in effective plus efficient personalized medicine.

+ no intimidating needles
+ high sample quality
+ no collection center
+ automation capacity
+ less time, energy and resources

The company DBS System SA was founded December 2010 and is based in Gland, Switzerland

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

金属3D印刷 Metal 3D printing

Metal 3D printing
Metall 3D-Druck
Impression 3D métal

From prototyping to mass production:

Desktop Metal has already earned several fans with its 3D printed metal technology — Lowe’s, Caterpillar and BMW were all among its earliest clients.

Some advantages:

+ ability to print 500 cubic inches of metal per hour
+ don’t need tooling
+ make short runs of production
+ change your design and iterate very fast
+ make shapes you couldn’t make any other way
+ lightweight a part
+ work with alloys that are very, very hard

The company was founded in 2013 by four MIT professors, and is based Burlington, Massachusetts, USA.

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Friday, August 18, 2017

ガストロノミック - 電子自転車ツアー Culinary - e-bike tour

ガストロノミック -  電子自転車ツアー
Culinary -  e-bike tour
Kulinarische - E-Bike-Tour
Visite culinaire - e-bike

E-bike : the trend sport of this summer par excellence! And what can be more beautiful than the airy sport combined with culinary enjoyment? This is possible on the e-bike culinary tour through the beautiful Appenzellerland.

Eat, look, ride, enjoy

Enjoy your weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

モーション+バーチャルリアリティ Motion + Virtual Reality

Motion + Virtual Reality
Bewegung + Virtuelle Realität
Motion + Realité virtuelle

Motion capturing solutions for Virtual Reality Applications:

The Sensoryx system consists of a variable number of interchangeable and scalable wireless sensors that outperform existing IMUs - inertial measurement units about precision, speed and flexibility by eliminating drift and the need for calibration.

Sensoryx system:

+ immersive
+ intuitive
+ convenient
+ precise
+ mobile

The company SWISS SENSORYX was founded 2015 and is based in Zürich, Switzerland.

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Monday, July 10, 2017

夏休み Summer vacations

Summer vacations
Vacances d'été

Merci - Thank you - Dankeschön -

どうもありがとうございます -

Gracias - Obrigado

We will discover the Belgium coastline - its beaches, the cities, villages and the food:


I wish you nice summer holidays and see you again in August.

Sepp Faessler
