
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

侵入窃盗予防 - バーチャルルームメイト Burglar prevention - virtual roommate

侵入窃盗予防 バーチャルルームメイト
Burglar prevention - virtual roommate
Einbruchsprävention - virtueller Mitbewohner
Prévention des cambriolages – colocataire virtuelle

A virtual roommate, who protects your home while you are away to reduce the risk of burglary:

In European countries, a burglary happens every three minutes. The worst for the victims is the following feeling of insecurity.
Key featuresof Kevin your virtual roommate:

+ simulate the presence of people through sound and light
+ interact with via a mobile app and the mitipi-box
+ create your own scenarios (football on the TV, exercise and taking a shower etc.)
+ can also connect to third party smart home devices

The startup Mipiti was founded in 2017 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland


Friday, January 12, 2018

スイスのケーブルカー Funicular railway in Switzerland

Funicular railway in Switzerland
Standseilbahnen der Schweiz

Funiculaires de Suisse

The steepest funicular railway in Switzerland

1. New Stoosbahn
Incline: 110%, location: Canton Schwyz, length: 1740 meters

2. Gelmerbahn
Gradient: 105.8%, Location: Canton Bern, Length: 1028 meters

3. Trümmelbach Falls
Incline: 105%, place: Bern, length: 98 meters

4. Ritomahn
Incline: 87.8%, Location: Canton Ticino, Length: 1360 meters

5. Emosson
Gradient: 87%, Location: Canton of Vaud, Length: 1310 meters


Wish you a nice weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

スイス人と日本人Swiss and the Japanese

What do the Swiss and the Japanese have in common?
Was haben die Schweizer und die Japaner gemeinsam?
Qu'est-ce que les Suisses et les Japonais ont en commun ?

Monday, January 8, 2018

バーチャルリアリティの自由 - 手袋 Freedom in Virtual-Reality – glove

バーチャルリアリティの自由 - 手袋
Freedom in Virtual-Reality – glove
Freiheit in der virtuellen Realität – Handschuh
Liberté en réalité virtuelle - gant

Ultramodern sensor technology

A new virtual reality glove from Sensoryx of Switzerland. The movements of hand and fingers are recorded precisely and without delay.

+ without cameras
+ no stationary measuring systems
+ No cable need
+ Can be used with VR glasses such as Google Daydream and Samsung GearVR

The Company Sensoryx GmbH was founded February 2015 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.


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Asia, Japan – business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland


Friday, December 22, 2017

メリークリスマス Happy New Year

メリークリスマス - 明けましておめでとうございます





I wish you a Happy End of the Year Holiday and I am looking forward to keeping in touch, working, engaging or exchanging with you again next year.

Best Wishes,

Sepp Faessler


Monday, December 18, 2017

補聴器 Hearing aid

Hearing aid
Aide auditive

Improve peoples’ social experiences in tough listening situations:

Fennex, a Zurich based startup, developed the first augmented hearing application that works with Apple Air Pods to provide a personal hearing amplifier.

Currently the app is free of charge for end users. In the future, users will be able to upgrade to a Pro version comprising of extra features that are not accessible in the free version. They are testing the concept of a PRO version for employees that work in open space offices and are constantly exposed to noise. The solution can help increasing productivity and collaboration while reducing isolation.

Alex Mari CEO and cofounder of the company said: 

Our vision is to enhance social relationships with smart and simple digital technology.

The company Fennex AG was founded March 2017 and the startup is based in Meilen (Zurich), Switzerland.

PS: The startup has reached 100,000 users of which 30,000 are active on the app monthly.


Thank you for reading

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Asia, Japan – business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland


Friday, December 15, 2017

フェスティバル・ライト、リヨン Festival of Lights, Lyon

Festival of Lights, Lyon
Lichterfest, Lyon
Fête des lumières, Lyon

The Festival of Lights (French: Fête des lumières) in Lyon, France expresses gratitude toward Mary, mother of Jesus around December 8th of each year. This uniquely Lyonnaise tradition dictates that every house place candles along the outsides of all the windows to produce a spectacular effect throughout the streets.


Wish you a nice weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler