
Thursday, February 15, 2018

音 - 漏れと放電を検出する Sound - detect leakages and discharges

音 - 漏れと放電を検出する
Sound - detect leakages and discharges
Ton - erkennt Lecks und Entladungen
Son - détecter les fuites et les décharges

Make sound visible - Pinpoint failing components from several meters away:

Noiseless Acoustics provides intelligent products and services that utilize sound as a source to help you detect problems such as leakages and discharges.

Fault detection and problem identification in:

+ electricity networks
+ high pressure gas systems


+ hand-held system
+ system is self-learning - stores measurement data in the cloud

The company Noiseless Acoustics Oy was founded January 2015 and is based Helsinki, Finland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Monday, February 12, 2018

ドローン防衛システム - 拳銃 Drones defense system - gun

ドローン防衛システム - 拳銃
Drones defense system - gun
Drohnenabwehrsystem - Pistole
Système de défense Drones - pistolet

The gun is a world first, according to experts, for the neutralization of drones:

The pistol, which is designed for “rapid and simple neutralization of drones” has a guaranteed range of up to 30 meters and operates by “shooting” nets measuring two by two meters. These webs entrap drones, bringing them to the ground.

According to Christian Gauer of Droptec: The Droptec net gun was developed in collaboration with Graubünden cantonal police to boost security at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

Application areas are:

+ Conferences
+ Penitentiaries
+ Military facilities
+ Airports
+ International Embassies
+ Personal, object and event protection

The Droptec net guns, which cost between €4,000 to €5,000 are considered as weapons in Switzerland and users must have the appropriate license.

The company Droptec GmbH is a subsidiary of the Polycontact group ( was founded in 2016 and is based in Chur, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Friday, February 9, 2018

私の大好きな日本を楽しん Enjoying my favorite Japan

Enjoying my favorite Japan
Geniesse mein Lieblings-Japan
Profitant de mon Japon préféré

Japan is where the world's artists, adventurers, foodies and thrill seekers go for great experiences and memories that last a lifetime.

On February 6, 2018 — The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) has inaugurated a global-scale, multilingual campaign entitled “Enjoy my Japan.”


Wish you a good weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

馬のキーバイタルパラメータ Key vital parameters of horses

Key vital parameters of horses
WichtigeVitalparameter von Pferden
Principaux paramètres vitaux des chevaux

Innovative,and precise simultaneous measurement of vital signs of horses:

For the first time, it is possible to measure all key vital parameters of horses simultaneously, continuously and over a long period. However, Piavita is more than data measurement. The Piavita Vet System also includes a web-platformon which highly reliable and medically significant vital data can be reviewed, edited and shared with specialists. The so-called Piavita Platform enables veterinarians to manage their patients and use additional functions such as automated analyses and reports.

The PiavitaVet System measures non-invasively trough the hair coat of the horse:

+ Electrocardiogram(ECG)
+ Pulse Sequence & Heart Rate
+ Respiration Sequence & Rate
+ Body Core Temperature
+ Motion Level & Patterns

As a result,the Piavita Vet System significantly enhances medical diagnosis, efficiency, and quality of veterinarian’s every-day practice. It brings remarkable innovation to the veterinary industry which is highly limited in its technical possibilities and struggles to meet clients’ expectations.

The company Piavita AG veterinary medtech startup was incorporated in 2016 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Monday, February 5, 2018

カスタマーロイヤルティアプリケーション Customer loyalty application

Customer loyalty application
Fidélisation de la clientèle

Digital customer loyalty is one of the big topics in retailing. The Zurich startup poinz recorded a record year with its loyalty apps and has now completed a financing round in the seven-digit range.

Currently, the poinz platform networks around 1200 retailers with more than 360,000 consumers.The corporate clients of poinz include brands such as McDonald's, Migros, Mövenpick or Subway. In 2017, the number of monthly active app users increased by almost 70 percent to more than 100,000. And for Robert Blum, managing director and co-founder of poinz, it is clear: "In 2018, we will double the active user numbers again".

The benefits are measurable, and you only need a single source:

+ simple to handle for employees and customers
+ installation in no time
+ sustainable success
+ win new customers easily
+ retain customers
+ send messages directly to their smartphone


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland


Friday, February 2, 2018

スターライト + そりすべり Starlight + Sledging

スターライト + そりすべり
Starlight + Sledging
Sternenlicht + Schlittenfahren
Lumière des étoiles + faire de la luge

Sledging by starlight on the Niederhorn - Interlaken holiday region:

Every Friday and Saturday evening you can enjoy organized starlight tobogganing once the sun goes down.

+ Fondue dinner
+ Mulled wine pit-stop

Illuminated for night sledging
Altitude difference: 370 meters
Length: 3 kilometers


Wish you a nice weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

素晴らしい日本 Amazing Japan

Amazing Japan
Erstaunliches Japan
Japon étonnant

Self-parking slippers!

A state-of-the-art hotel in Yokohama, Japan, has opened with rooms that have self-parking slippers.