
Thursday, April 12, 2018

キャンパスバイオテック、 EPFL、スイス Campus Biotech, EPFL, Switzerland

キャンパスバイオテック、 EPFL、スイス
Campus Biotech, EPFL, Switzerland
Campus Biotech, EPFL, Schweiz
Campus Biotech, EPFL, Suisse

Remarkably high caliber projects announced on April 11th, during the 2018 Bertarelli Symposium held at Harvard Medical School:

+ Optogenetic therapy to restore eyesight
+ Treating vision problems after a stroke
+ Treating hallucinations in Parkinson’s patients
+ Restoring fine motor skills
+ Controlling the paths of pain

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

適切なサイズを見つける、オンラインショッピング Find right sizes, online shopping

Find right sizes, online shopping
Finden Sie die richtigen Grössen, Online-Shopping
Trouvez les bonnes tailles, les achats en ligne

Making online shopping simpler, fun and to reduce the number of items returned:

EyeFitU, a shopping App that allows users to find their right sizes, continues to gain momentum. Since establishment the App has generated more than 230'000 downloads. Online shopping enthusiasts can look up clothes in their sizes. More than 1’000’000 items are provided by more than 50 online stores from the United Kindom, Germany, United States and Switzerland

Shoppers are confused about their size and measurements especially if they are shopping online:

+ clothes are labelled using many different ad-hoc size systems
+ country-specific or vendor specific labels
+ high share of online orders are returned
+ costly for the online stores
+ time-consuming for the shopper

The award-winning company was founded in December 2012 and is based in Herrliberg, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Thursday, March 29, 2018

イースター週末、スイス Easter weekend, Switzerland

Easter weekend, Switzerland
Osterwochenende, Schweiz
Week-end de Pâques, Suisse

Discover what Switzerland has to offer on the Easter weekend!

Some traditions:

Bells go to Rome and are replaced by the "tapolets".

More events:


Wish you a happy Easter break and see you again in the week
of 9 - 13th of April.

Sepp Faessler

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

詐欺と偽造、ファッションブランド Fraud and counterfeiting, fashion brands

Fraud and counterfeiting, fashion brands
Betrug und Fälschung, Modemarken
Fraude et contrefaçon, marques de mode

Powerful solutions for brand protection and anti-counterfeiting:

Arylla uses nanotechnology to deliver solutions that address the many different types of fraud that occur during production – unauthorized production (over production), return and warranty fraud, and product diversion. This is done by attaching nanoparticles to the surface of products by dyeing, stamping, or printing, and analyzing the signal they emit upon excitation by the camera flash on the phone. 

+ Permanent record of authenticity into products during manufacturing
+ Can be accessed and monitored using a smartphone
+ No additional hardware is required
+ The technology is completely invisible
+ Complies with AATCC and ASTM standards (durability)
+ Very difficult for fraudsters since they cannot see what to copy

Counterfeit trade costs the global economy up to two trillion dollars every year.

The company Arylla was founded 2015 and is based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Monday, March 26, 2018

自動的音声認識 Automatic Speech Recognition

Automatic Speech Recognition
Automatische Spracherkennung
Reconnaissance automatique de la parole

Call for Innovation:

Swisscom and Proximus have launched the third call for innovation. The two telcos aim to identify the best partners for Automatic Speech Recognition and Sentiment Analysis for Swiss-French and Flemish as well as further possible business cases.

Friday, March 23, 2018

完璧な週末、スイス Perfect weekend, Switzerland

Perfect weekend, Switzerland
Perfektes Wochenende, Schweiz
Week-end parfait, Suisse

You can choose between 21 different cities from all over of Switzerland.

All these great cities can be easily reached by train.

Find inspiration for your perfect weekend now.


Wish you a nice weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

フライングカー、ジュネーブモーターショー Flying cars, Geneva motor show

Flying cars, Geneva motor show
Fliegende Autos, Genf Autosalon
Voitures volantes, Genève salon de l'auto

The dream of the flying cars is almost as old as the car itself:

Legal framework is missing

National and international traffic authorities find it difficult to give air vehicles the necessary authorizations to use on the ground and in the air. But regardless of all difficulties, it seems only a matter of time before the first airworthy cars take off – you can buy – order it from your local dealer.
