
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

あなた自身の車を作る、未来! Create your own car, future!

Create your own car, future!
Erstellen Sie Ihr eigenes Auto, Zukunft!
Créez votre propre voiture, future !

Hackrod wants to revolutionize car production…

Hackrod is developing a revolutionary digital platform for personalized design and manufacturing of cars and motorcycles. The company is challenging the traditional approach to automobile manufacturing and empowering consumer to become creator.

A cool roadster was designed and built by combining:

+ Virtual Reality
+ Artificial Intelligence
+ Machine Learning
+ 3-D Printing
+ Advanced Logistics

The Los Angeles based company Hackrod, Inc. has entered a partnership with Siemens PLM Software to accelerate their shared vision of the democratization of engineering design and manufacturing where the consumer becomes the creator in the automotive space.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Monday, April 16, 2018

3Dボディースキャナー、フィットネス 3D body scanner, fitness

3D body scanner, fitness
3D-Körperscanner, Fitness
Scanner de corps 3D, fitness

3D body scanner that allows fitness coaches to review their customers' progress:

The Startup Bodygee has developed a solution that captures the fitness progress in a graphic and exact way. The 3D body scanner not only creates a 3D image of the body, but also calculates the body mass. The scanner is designed for fitness clubs, electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) studios, personal trainers, and transformation programs.

Ultramodern method for body measuring:

+ track all changes your body underwent
+ analyze your body shape
+ optimize coach services
+ adapt your individual program
+ look at your scans on your computer /Smartphone/tablet PC at any time
+ B2B model for fitness and lifestyle providers

The award-winning company was incorporated in June.2015 is based in Brienz, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Friday, April 13, 2018

休暇先ヨーロッパ Holiday destination Europe

Holiday destination Europe
Urlaubsziel Europa
Destination de vacances Europe

Insider tips for Europe:

Small and beautiful: Europe is one of the most diversified region in the world. The choice for the next holiday destination has almost no limits.

Czech Republic: Prague in Harley fever…

France: Marseille, the mysterious…

Croatia: Dubrovnik - the movie set…

Poland: Parties and Kings in Krakow…

Luxembourg: Art in Luxembourg

Norway: Bergen - Close to the Vikings…


Wish you a nice weekend and see you again next week.

Sepp Faessler

Thursday, April 12, 2018

キャンパスバイオテック、 EPFL、スイス Campus Biotech, EPFL, Switzerland

キャンパスバイオテック、 EPFL、スイス
Campus Biotech, EPFL, Switzerland
Campus Biotech, EPFL, Schweiz
Campus Biotech, EPFL, Suisse

Remarkably high caliber projects announced on April 11th, during the 2018 Bertarelli Symposium held at Harvard Medical School:

+ Optogenetic therapy to restore eyesight
+ Treating vision problems after a stroke
+ Treating hallucinations in Parkinson’s patients
+ Restoring fine motor skills
+ Controlling the paths of pain

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

適切なサイズを見つける、オンラインショッピング Find right sizes, online shopping

Find right sizes, online shopping
Finden Sie die richtigen Grössen, Online-Shopping
Trouvez les bonnes tailles, les achats en ligne

Making online shopping simpler, fun and to reduce the number of items returned:

EyeFitU, a shopping App that allows users to find their right sizes, continues to gain momentum. Since establishment the App has generated more than 230'000 downloads. Online shopping enthusiasts can look up clothes in their sizes. More than 1’000’000 items are provided by more than 50 online stores from the United Kindom, Germany, United States and Switzerland

Shoppers are confused about their size and measurements especially if they are shopping online:

+ clothes are labelled using many different ad-hoc size systems
+ country-specific or vendor specific labels
+ high share of online orders are returned
+ costly for the online stores
+ time-consuming for the shopper

The award-winning company was founded in December 2012 and is based in Herrliberg, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Thursday, March 29, 2018

イースター週末、スイス Easter weekend, Switzerland

Easter weekend, Switzerland
Osterwochenende, Schweiz
Week-end de Pâques, Suisse

Discover what Switzerland has to offer on the Easter weekend!

Some traditions:

Bells go to Rome and are replaced by the "tapolets".

More events:


Wish you a happy Easter break and see you again in the week
of 9 - 13th of April.

Sepp Faessler

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

詐欺と偽造、ファッションブランド Fraud and counterfeiting, fashion brands

Fraud and counterfeiting, fashion brands
Betrug und Fälschung, Modemarken
Fraude et contrefaçon, marques de mode

Powerful solutions for brand protection and anti-counterfeiting:

Arylla uses nanotechnology to deliver solutions that address the many different types of fraud that occur during production – unauthorized production (over production), return and warranty fraud, and product diversion. This is done by attaching nanoparticles to the surface of products by dyeing, stamping, or printing, and analyzing the signal they emit upon excitation by the camera flash on the phone. 

+ Permanent record of authenticity into products during manufacturing
+ Can be accessed and monitored using a smartphone
+ No additional hardware is required
+ The technology is completely invisible
+ Complies with AATCC and ASTM standards (durability)
+ Very difficult for fraudsters since they cannot see what to copy

Counterfeit trade costs the global economy up to two trillion dollars every year.

The company Arylla was founded 2015 and is based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland