
Monday, December 17, 2018

メリークリスマス + 幸せな新年 Merry Christmas + happy New Year

メリークリスマス + 幸せな新年
Merry Christmas + happy New Year
Frohe Weihnachten + frohes neues Jahr
Joyeux Noël + bonne année

See you again next year.

Sepp W. Faessler

Sunday, December 16, 2018

ブレークスルー - PET +ポリエステルリサイクル Breakthrough - PET + polyester recycling

ブレークスルー - PET +ポリエステルリサイクル
Breakthrough - PET + polyester recycling
Durchbruch - Recycling von PET + Polyester
Percée - recyclage de PET + polyester

Virgin PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) or polyester comes from garbage instead from fossil resources:

The Gr3n, a Swiss based startup developed an industrial-grade prototype that uses microwave radiation to increase the proportion of plastics that can be recycled while enhancing the quality of recycled plastics such as PET or polyester.

Advantages of the patented chemical recycling process technology:

+ based on a well-known chemical reaction
+ reduces the reaction time from 180 to 10 minutes compared to the conventional heating
+ obtaining the same raw materials as used for virgin PET polymerization
+ treatment of all PET products
+ economically efficient process
+ currently pilot plant phase allows an industrial implementation of this recycling method

Quote: Many depolymerization paths can be chosen!

The main driving forces of the choice are:

+ The economic benefits in terms of reaction energy/time and product purification efforts

+ The purity of the products according to the feedstock contamination

The award-winning company was founded 2013 and is based in Castagnola,

Part of the European DEMETO project: 


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland


Thursday, December 13, 2018

ブロックチェーン + 農業 Blockchain + agriculture

ブロックチェーン + 農業
Blockchain + agriculture
Blockchain + Landwirtschaft
Blockchain + agriculture

Blockchain documents meat origins down to the last detail:

BeefChain™ connects the best Wyoming beef producers with the supply
chain technology to make Wyoming Craft Beef products.

The database includes, among other things, where the animal was
slaughtered, by whom the meat was processed and when it was shipped. 

"At the supermarket, customers can then scan in a code with 
their mobile phones and retrieve this information online," 
explains BeefChain founder Jennings.

The big advantage: Entries in the blockchain cannot be faked or manipulated.

Monday, December 10, 2018

標準化された拡張現実アプリケーション Standardized Augmented Reality applications

Standardized Augmented Reality applications
Standardisierte Augmented Reality-Anwendungen
Applications de réalité augmentée standardisées

Applications for the B2B-market:

Holo|one is a Swiss-based Augmented Reality start-up, which develops standardized Augmented Reality applications.

+ Cloud-supported solution, three-way bridge 
between company data, employees and the 
Holo|one AR applications ("modules") used within 

+ Add value to the businesses and processes.

+ Well-tested applications.

+ Smart architecture allows easy integration into 
new AR devices & platforms (HoloLens v2, Magic 
Leap One,…).

+ Standardized applications can be used in exchange 
for a licensing fee.

The award - winning company Holo|one AG was incorporated November
2016, the headquarter is based in Lenzburg, Switzerland with office in
Berlin, Germany and Chongqing, China.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

水の消費を減らす Reduce water consumption

Reduce water consumption
Wasserverbrauch reduzieren
Réduire la consommation d'eau

The shower of the future inspired by geysers:

Gjosa has developed a showering system that achieves unprecedented levels of
economy in its consumption of water and energy.

The average shower taken in Switzerland uses 11 liters of water per minute,
Gjosa's technology makes it possible to shower with about 2 liters per minute. 

Significant savings in water as much as 60% to 80% for:

+ hotels
+ transport
+ kitchens
+ hairdressing salons

Luc-E. Amgwerd, Co-Founder / CEO explains: a high-speed jet of small drops
that feels pleasant and has excellent wetting ability, resulting in a feeling of

"It involves a new approach to body care and different methods of using water."

The company Gjosa AG was incorporated 2016 and is based in Biel,


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

癌組織診断 Cancer tissue diagnostics

Cancer tissue diagnostics
Diagnostic tissulaire du cancer

Fast Fluidic Exchange (FFeX) technology:

Lunaphore Technologies SA, a medtech company, focuses on the development
of a tissue diagnostics platform for the analysis and classification of tumors. Its
platform is based on a microfluidic chip technology that allows fine-tuning of
diagnostic assays and increases their speed and accuracy.

+ Test can be performed in less than 5min, v.s. 2-8h 
using other technologies
+ Higher degrees of responsiveness for urgent testing 
and enable IHC - Immunohistochemistry consultation 
during biopsy procedures
+ Patients can benefit from a faster, better and more 
personalized treatment starting in the operating room

The award-winning company was founded in 2014 and is based in Lausanne, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Monday, November 26, 2018

自律カメラロボット Autonomous camera robots

Autonomous camera robots
Autonome Kameraroboter
Robots de caméras autonomes

Through automation, take video production to the next level:

Seervision AG is a spin-off from the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH
Zurich and is developing automation robots and software for professional
event video productions.

The mission:

+ create the world’s first portable, scene-aware, 
autonomous video production 
+ turn every camera into a robotic cameraman
+ turn every cameraman into a multi-camera crew
+ execute all operational tasks of traditional camera 
crews autonomously
+ leaving only creative storytelling to human operators

The company estimates that they can reduce the average cost of a 
production by 40% through there technology, making professional 
video accessible to entirely new segments.

The award-winning company Seervision AG was incorporated August 23,
2016 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland