
Tuesday, August 4, 2020


バーチャルリアリティ シニア向け

Senopi AG - developed a proprietary platform enabling caregivers to control seniors’ VR experiences and is currently developing digital therapeutics to monitor and prevent age-related frailty and cognitive decline. It is a scalable solution for prolonging healthy lives and promoting seniors’ well-being.

Monday, July 20, 2020

高速移動 - 小さな環境フットプリント High-speed travel - small environmental footprint

高速移動 - 小さな環境フットプリント
High-speed travel - small environmental footprint
Déplacement à grande vitesse - faible empreinte environnementale
Hochgeschwindigkeitsreisen - geringer ökologischer Fussabdruck

Discover Swisspod’s vision of Hyperloop


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sports Performance Analysis Sportleistungsanalyse

Sports Performance Analysis
Analyse des performances sportives

Helps athletes improve faster and win their next races:

Archinisis is specialized in the development of sensor- and video-based performance analysis systems for elite athletes. All systems are easy to use and provide research centre-grade performance feedback immediately after each training without requiring any extra staff.

Instead of performing expensive and time-consuming performance tests only 2-3 times a year at specialized centres, this new system enables track and field athletes to automatically obtain detailed performance analysis for each of their training.

Archinisis GmbH, a spin-off from the EPFL, was founded 2018 and is based in Fribourg, Switzerland.


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Sunday, June 7, 2020

PET recycling technologies PET-Recyclingtechnologien

PET recycling technologies
Technologies de recyclage du PET

Plastic waste, landfill pollution and reliance on oil are major issues of our modern society, and current PET recycling technologies often face the challenge of mixed plastic types in the waste. With a recycling process that can selectively treat PET plastic in the presence of other plastics, DePoly aims to close the loop on PET production by recycling post-consumer PET plastic waste. The resulting chemical products might then directly be used to make 100% recycled PET resins.

The process developed by DePoly works with all PET plastics including mixed colour, multi-layer and polyester fibres, at room temperature without any additional heat or pressure, and with sustainable and environmentally friendly chemicals only.

The award wining company Depoly was founded in  2020 and is based in Sion, Switzerland.



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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Coronavirus diagnostics - laser Coronavirus-Diagnose - Laser

コロナウイルス診断 - レーザー
Coronavirus diagnostics - laser
Coronavirus-Diagnose - Laser
Diagnostic des coronavirus - laser

The big idea:

 Diagnostic tool to rapidly trap and identify viruses using a laser beam and a detector

How it works:

Uses a technique called Raman spectroscopy to identify viruses by shining a light on a disposable cartridge

Samples from oral cotton swabs or a person blowing through the device

Spectrometer measures the interatomic vibrations - Each virus has its own signature vibrations

Identification takes less than two minutes

Accuracy rate of up to 70% to 90% 

What’s next:

Applying for federal funds

Build reliable prototypes that can be scaled up for mass production


Available to anyone visiting their family doctor

Available at hospitals, airports and inside commercial aircraft 



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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Monday, May 4, 2020

FFP2 mask production machine – Swiss made FFP2 Maskenproduktionsmaschine - Swiss made

FFP2マスク製造機 – スイス製
FFP2 mask production machine – Swiss made
FFP2 Maskenproduktionsmaschine - Swiss made
Machine de production de masques FFP2 - Swiss made

Prodema machines are so compact that they fit in two containers.

Even the exhalation valves that are built into some of the FFP2 masks come from Switzerland.

Machine on YouTube:



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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland

Monday, April 27, 2020

Detect the corona virus in the air – biosensor Erkennen des Corona - Virus in der Luft – Biosensor

空気中のコロナウイルスの検出 - バイオセンサー
Detect the corona virus in the air – biosensor
Erkennen des Corona - Virus in der Luft – Biosensor
Détecter le virus corona dans l'air – biocapteur

Enable pandemics to be recognized early in the future:

Swiss researchers of the Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Science and Technology Empa have developed a new corona sensor device to detect the corona virus in the air.

In the future, the sensing device could be used in train stations, airports, hospitals or places where there are many people. The sensor is extremely sensitive and detects virus particles that come into contact with the sensor. The new device can clearly differentiate between viruses.

For example, the researchers exposed the sensor to corona viruses and Sars viruses, which triggered an epidemic in 2003. The device recognized the difference, as the researchers report. 

But the new sensor is probably too late for the spread of the corona virus. Because the device will only be available in a year. By then, the corona pandemic will likely have flattened out. 

The sensor will most likely be able to detect also other type of viruses in the future and thus detect future pandemics and help to stop.



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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland