Personal perfume, Bern
Persönliches Parfum, Bern
Parfum personnel, Berne
Personal perfume, Bern
Persönliches Parfum, Bern
Parfum personnel, Berne
How does a mountain smell? What is the smell of fresh Alpine air? The founders of Art of Scent, Brigitte Witschi, inspired her three creations: "Edelweiss", "Blue Enzian" and "Silberdistel", inspired by the clear fragrances of the Swiss mountains with their green lakes and their special and healing flowers.
Brigitte Witschi also offers workshops at the Art of Scent in Bern. Under the experienced eye of the perfume specialist you can create your own perfume; carefully prepared using quality fragrance substances and take it home in a lovely elegant bottle.
PS: Another amazing thing to do in Bern – A guided city tour called: Berne, follow your nose «Bern der Nase nach».
Enjoy your weekend and see you again next week.
Sepp Faessler