
Monday, May 20, 2019

牛 + 温室効果ガス Cows + greenhouse gas

牛 + 温室効果ガス
Cows + greenhouse gas
Kühe + Treibhausgas
Vaches + gaz à effet de serre

Natural feed supplement significantly reduces methane emissions from ruminants:

MOOTRAL SA., an AgriTech company develops innovative solutions for companies and governments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the agricultural sector.
Mootral Ruminant is based on a proprietary combination of organosulfur compounds from garlic and bioflavonoids extracted from citrus.
Their research over the last 10 years under both lab and commercial farm conditions shows a minimum of 30% reduction in emitted methane.

Cows harm the climate about the same as all cars, trucks and airplanes. Methane produced in their stomachs is many times
more damaging than CO2.

The award-winning company was incorporated 10.04.2018 and is based in Rolle, Switzerland.


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland


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