Real-time depth information
Tiefeninformationen in Echtzeit
Information de profondeur en temps réel
Tiefeninformationen in Echtzeit
Information de profondeur en temps réel
The startup is providing a revolutionary patented and all-in-one device that can provide real-time depth information using regular RGB cameras.
+ Very accurate under sunlight conditions
+ Differently from other solutions that use infrared light
+ Differently from other solutions that use infrared light
+ Surveillance
+ Self-Driving Cars
+ Industrial Automation
+ Robotics
+ Augmented Reality
+ Self-Driving Cars
+ Industrial Automation
+ Robotics
+ Augmented Reality
Viprodev is located in the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Innovation Park, Lausanne, Switzerland.
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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!
+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe
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