
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

ホンダ オートバイ - ライディングアシスト, Honda Motorcycle - Riding Assist

ホンダ オートバイ - ライディングアシスト
Honda Motorcycle - Riding Assist
Honda Motorrad - selbst ausbalancierend
Honda Moto - d'auto-équilibrage

Congratulation Honda:

Honda Riding Assist motorcycle Wins Three Awards at CES 2017 in Las Vegas.


Monday, January 9, 2017

リアルタイムの奥行き情報, Real-time depth information

Real-time depth information
Tiefeninformationen in Echtzeit
Information de profondeur en temps réel

The startup is providing a revolutionary patented and all-in-one device that can provide real-time depth information using regular RGB cameras.

+ Very accurate under sunlight conditions
+ Differently from other solutions that use infrared light


+ Surveillance
+ Self-Driving Cars
+ Industrial Automation
+ Robotics
+ Augmented Reality

Viprodev is located in the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Innovation Park, Lausanne, Switzerland.

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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe

If you have any questions...

Thank you

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

スイスで会社を買う, Buy a company in Switzerland

Buy a company in Switzerland
Eine Firma in der Schweiz kaufen
Acheter une entreprise en Suisse

Every year 5000 small and medium sized companies are sold in Switzerland:

Business Broker AG is the largest and most successful consulting and brokerage company in the SME sector in Switzerland.

+ Specialize in the sale of small and medium-sized companies.

+ More than 300 finalized projects are proof of experience and expertise.

+ Core competencies are buying companies, selling companies, succession planning and business evaluations.

Business Broker AG provides active and effective support during the purchase and sale of small and medium-sized companies.

Thank you for reading

サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe

If you have any questions...

Thank you

Thursday, December 22, 2016

メリークリスマス, Happy New Year

Joyeux Noel - Bonne année

メリークリスマス - 明けましておめでとうございます

Frohe Weihnachten - Ein glückliches neues Jahr

Merry Christmas - Happy New Year

즐거운 성탄절 보내시고 새해 복 많이 받으세요



See you again in January 2017

Sepp Faessler

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

オンラインショッピングクラブ - アウトレット, Online shopping club - Outlet

オンラインショッピングクラブ - アウトレット
Online shopping club - Outlet
Online shopping Klub – Outlet

Club d'achats en ligne – Outlet

Zalando Lounge is more than an online shop – With their exclusive daily offers, you can get your hands-on designer clothes and top brand fashion for amazing prices with up to 75% off compared to the recommended retail price.

+ The best of shoes from your favorite designer
+ Clothing for the whole family from wide-ranging selection of designers
+ Accessories, no outfit is complete without a little bling
+ Home Sweet home, home-ware from top designers

The Concept:

+ Shopping Club
+ Vente Privee (French for private sale)

The main difference is that an online outlet can be accessed from your home, without having to drive out to a difficult to reach outlet center.

Zalando Lounge is part of Berlin-based Zalando an online fashion retail company who started selling shoes in Germany and now ships 1,500 different brands to customers in 15 countries.


Thank you for reading

サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe

If you have any questions...

Thank you

Monday, December 19, 2016

森林管理, Forest Management

Forest Management
Gestion forestière

Timbtrack a Belgium startup has developed a unique forestry-management application technology that gives users the tools to map, make inventory, measure and evaluate their forest in seconds to maximize productivity.

Organize forestry-management:

+ accurate measurements
+ quickly
+ efficiently
+ simply
+ effectively

Timbtrack believe in simplification of life:

+ measuring trees
+ locating each of them with GPS
+ transfers the data to your computer

The main objective of the device is to measure the volume of trees. This is done by measuring the height and the circumference of the trunk with the TPM device. Also, add notes to your trees, record work done or to be done and produce a calendar of work.

Thank you for reading

サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe

If you have any questions...

Thank you

Sunday, December 18, 2016

トヨタネクスト, TOYOTA NEXT


Toyota to Launch the

Open Innovation Program

Proposals Accepted on the TOYOTA NEXT Site Starting December 7